Sell My Car in Virginia

Cunningham Brothers

We Buy Cars & Trucks In Any Condition

If you have a junk car for sale near Lynchburg or Richmond, we can help. We pay top dollar for junk cars in Central & Northern Virginia. If you live near any of our locations in Rustburg, Hopewell, Roanoke, or Lorton we will buy your vehicles in ANY condition.

We buy both running cars & non-running cars, vehicle salvage, accident vehicles & we buy all junk cars & trucks. We are a licensed salvage buyer in Virginia. Sell your car by phone using the number below, or get the process started by filling out the form below.

You can drop off your junk car or we can pick up your wrecked vehicle. We buy cars and trucks for cash, & you get paid on the spot. To get started simply fill out the form below. Be sure to include photos of your vehicle. Someone will be in contact with you within the same business day or the next business day if our offices are closed.

Sell Your Car By Phone

Seller Information

Vehicle Information

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Part Inquiry Form
